Dealing With Pets and Carpeting Flooring

 In Carpet Flooring

We all love our pets. They can be our best friends, our greatest companions, and our funniest entertainment. But it’s hard having a dog, cat, or any other furry animal in the house when you have carpeting flooring. Fur gets everywhere you can see and dander gets every where you can’t. We don’t ever want our pets to feel like they can’t go where they please in the house, but it does mean more cleaning for us. So how can you keep Fido from treating your carpet like his bed or Fluffy from scratching it up on her walk through the living room?

If you can help it, the first thing to consider is possible using Karastan area rugs instead of an entire room of carpeting. These will be easier to take care of in the long run if you deal with a lot of pet hair.

If you are  getting full carpeting, consider a color that will hide pet hair. If you have a white cat, go with a white carpet. Alternatively if your pets are darker colors, a dark carpet will hide hair to the naked eye.

Carpet protector sprays will help against any stains, so you won’t freak out so much when the dog comes running across the room from outside. Pet rakes are also incredibly handy, getting deeply embedded pet hair out and moving. It’s good to use this prior to vacuuming so you can be sure to get everything out.